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Welcome to BlessedWarriors.com

Who is Bartist?

Bart is a very talented individual that connects with people through his art, his speaking engagements, and his musical endeavors.


“Scribble Through The Struggle”


“I want my story to bring hope to those who are where I once was.”

        Sober and Delivered : 10 Yrs

       •Arrested: February 18, 2013

       •Released: August 18, 2015


How I became “Bartist” and a "Blessed Warrior.”

I always knew I had a gift for art.

I went to a small Christian high school.

In high school I only had one art class my senior year.

I received a scholarship to a Christian College (Indiana Weslyan University)and was focused and concentrated on my Art.

 I then left that college and got a scholarship to CMSU and discovered alcohol and partying.

I lost focus and quit college and my Art.

I loved the party life and always loved to dance so I thought why not get paid for this so I became an entertainer/dancer "Magic Mike,Chippendale" for 20 years.

I knew I was wasting my true calling (Art) I was too fearful to fail and thought I couldn't draw that well anymore.

The drinking and partying lifestyle eventually caught up to me and destroyed my life.

I almost died from all the years of putting those toxins in my body.

My liver was shutting down and I was hospitalized several times and I still continued my reckless irresponsible lifestyle.

I was lost and empty and I didn't care if I lived or died...I had no purpose.

Over the years I eventually got arrested for having too many DWIs and went to prison for 2 1/2 years. By the grace of God I never crashed or hurt anyone. 

I almost died from detoxing in there and had a Hellish Spiritual Awakening and I had "Cried Out To God To Save Me!" and He did!

”A Beautiful Peace Came Over Me!”

I then started to draw for food in there.

I had dealt with a lot of hatred and evil in there but kept my focus on God and Art because I knew at this point that I was supposed to go through all of this because God had a "plan for my life" and Art and speaking was part of his plan.


God and Art is what got me through this rough time in my life as I drew 300 drawings in the 2 1/2 years I was incarcerated..(Remember I had not drawn for 20 years).

I was released on August 18, 2015 and only seven months later I had my Art that I had drawn in prison accepted into an art gallery show.

I am now a completely changed man and I am living up to my Full Potential and Fulfilling My Purpose In Life.


I am Truly Blessed to be alive and My Eyes Are Now Clear, Bright and Blue.

All bad and struggle is for the good for those that love Jesus….some just don’t have understanding or realize this yet. 

Rock-bottom can actually be a life-changing Blessing!

My Testimony and Art has opened the door to Amazing opportunities and experiences as a future federal art/fashion and music program, Blessed Warrior Apparel…”The Brand for Overcomers” Speaking engagements including with #1 country singers concert stage and an annual Revival in Knoxville, Tennessee under the bridge for the lost, homeless, drug addicted along with many other events and fundraisers….giving others hope through my testimony, Art, Music and most recently… Headlining on a country rock tour in Missouri  and officially invited from the St. Louis Cardinals organization to perform a concert at Busch Stadium, August 15, 2023 on my birthday!Blessed Warrior “Bartist” on the Cardinals tickets! God is Amazing!

I hope my journey can help, inspire and give hope to those out there that either is or knows someone that has been in prison, addicted to drugs or alcohol or is at or close to hitting rock-bottom… That is my calling!

Follow my Journey!

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