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Scribble Through the Struggle

Bart is a very talented individual that connects with people through his art, his speaking engagements, and his musical endeavors.

Scribble Through the Struggle is an art program for people with PTSD, depression,  and anxiety. Participants may include prisoners, the homeless, addicts, and people who feel lost and it will show them how to cope and rebuild themselves. In Bart’s opinion addiction is out the demons they’ve allowed in. Team members who will facilitate the program include an overcomer who was in prison who can share their testimony about their connection to God. It will also have a certified drug and alcohol counselor along with an art instructor. This diverse group of team members will be able to connect to participants on different levels.

The art class will have different stations with a variety of mediums to work in. People will be taught to create art and tap into their story and be able to describe how that relates to what they feel and how their art relates to their struggle and they can banter with someone as they create their art. The cool thing is that the art they create can be auctioned off and the artist will be able to feel the joy of contributing to a cause bigger than themselves.

Scribble Through the Struggle will branch into fashion courtesy of the Blessed Warrior apparel line and it will leverage art created by participants to be utilized in fashion. Women prisoners will learn the ins and outs of all aspects of the fashion industry. This will give them a direction for when they get out and this will build their confidence.

And finally, a new program is being developed called  Singing Through the Struggle which will have lessons by vocal coaches, instrument instructors, and sound engineers.

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